Applying To Work In Dominica

The Work In Nature (WIN) program offers an ideal environment for remote workers, digital nomads, and families to function effectively and stress-free for up to 18 months.

An applicant for the WIN program must be at least 18 years of age, of good character, without a criminal record, and able and willing to make the required financial contribution. The applicant can either be single or the head of a family.

Yes, you must complete the normal visa application process before applying for the WIN Visa.

The non-refundable WIN Application Fee is USD$100.
The WIN Visa Fee is USD$800 for an individual and USD$1,200 for a family.
One Business, Multiple Applicants: US$800 plus US$500 for each additional employee for a business applying for four or more employees.

You must pay the fee when you apply.

We aim to reply to all applications within 14-21 days.

You have 30 days after the date of your WIN Visa approval letter to make your WIN Visa payment. Alternatively, you may apply for an extension (see below).

If you need a payment extension, you must let us know the reasons by email within the 30-day period. We will review your request and, if approved, will extend your payment period by a further 30 days. We will reply to your extension request within 7 calendar days.

Your spouse and your children (18 years and under) are included.

After approval of your WIN Visa application, you must arrive in Dominica within 90 days.

The WIN Visa Stamp is issued on arrival into Dominica and is valid from that date for up to 18 months.

Yes. However, the terms of your initial visa will be in force and govern your stay in Dominica while your WIN Application is processed.

A valid passport is required.

Yes, please. In such a circumstance, a translated copy that has been certified by a notary public will be required.

This can be any one or more of the following: a marriage certificate, birth certificate, and/or an official document naming/identifying the applicant as the parent/head of family.

In this case, an applicant's proof of income must be in the form of one or more the following documents:
  • Bank letter and recent bank statement
  • Certificate of good standing

Yes, you can apply for multiple workers in your company.

The Minister for National Security and Home Affairs may revoke the Visa of an individual who contravenes or fails to comply with the provisions of the Visa.

You may travel in and out of Dominica at any time during your WIN stay.

Medical and Health

Medication can be resupplied at our well-provisioned local pharmacies; however, they must be prescribed by a local medical professional/doctor. We suggest, therefore, that, insofar as it is possible, you arrange with your personal physician to have sufficient supplies of your medication for the duration of your stay in Dominica.

Valid medical insurance is a prerequisite for approval of your WIN Visa. You must have a certificate or policy from a recognized insurance company showing clearly that you are a valid policy holder. If you are applying for a Family WIN Visa, the policy must cover all members. Proof from the issuer is needed to demonstrate that the insurance company will approve claims that are made from within Dominica.

Yes. There are insurance companies here that are willing to discuss individual and family medical insurance options with you. However, these are through in-person consultations.

There are four (4) hospitals in Dominica at present; three (3) government owned and one private:

Dominica-China Friendship Hospital (Main/Central)
Contact information:
Tel: (767) 266 2000
Fax: (767) 448 1971
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Emergency Care
  • General medical care
  • ECG's
  • Basic Laboratory Services
  • Intranatal care for clients meeting the requested criteria

Marigot Hospital, Marigot (North-East)
Contact information:
Tel: (767) 266 2800
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Accident & Emergency

Reginal Armour Hospital, Portsmouth (North)
Contact information:
Tel: (767) 266 5605
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Emergency Care
  • General medical care
  • ECG's
  • Basic Laboratory Services
  • Intranatal care for clients meeting the requested criteria
  • Pharmaceutical Services

Private: The Justin Fadipe Medical Centre
Contact information:
Cuba Road
Tel: (767) 449 6711

Working in Dominica

Under the WIN Visa, you are allowed to carry out any type of work that can be conducted remotely. This should, in fact, be your usual line of work/profession. This Visa only allows you to work remotely for companies and individuals not registered in Dominica.

You will not be liable to pay income tax in Dominica. Waiver on income tax will be granted for persons working remotely from Dominica under the WIN Visa, however you will be responsible for paying income tax within your normal country of residence/tax domicile.

Importing Items Into Dominica

Within the first three months of your WIN Visa Stamp in Dominica, you may import personal and business-related items, tools of trade and household items duty free. The are some minor charges you will have to pay, however (see the table below). The temporary importation option applies to any items which must be exported at the end of your WIN stay in Dominica. Any import charges that may be applicable are calculated based on an assessment of the value of your imported items (if you have valuation documents or receipts, please bring them), plus the cost of shipping.

The first three months of your WIN Visa period are duty free, after that, normal charges will apply. In such a circumstance, a Dominica customs broker will be able to provide you with information on duties and clearance procedures

  • Arrange to have goods shipped from the country of origin to Dominica
  • Gather relevant documents for clearance of goods
  • Contact a broker to facilitate smooth clearance of goods as they are aware of the relevant codes needed for duty free clearance

Yes, you are allowed to bring your pet when coming to the Island. For more information, visit


Applicants from the OECS can use a valid driver's license from their country. Remote workers under the WIN Visa programme arriving from other countries must present their WIN Visa stamp to the Traffic Department to receive their Dominica driver's permit.

Upon approval of the WIN Visa, a driver's permit can be issued after application. There is both public and private transport across the island. Public transport services run daily around the island, though schedules vary depending on the location. Several taxis and rental companies are also available.

Where to Stay

There is a variety of accommodation options available in Dominica – luxury five-star hotels, guest houses, apartments and homes. Follow this link for more information:

Click here for a list of DDA certified accommodations.

Connectivity and Internet

Dominica's Internet connectivity is excellent. Internet service providers offer a number of packages that include high speed land-line Internet, mobile services, and cable television. Visit the following links for more information:

Education and Schooling

Yes, non-nationals may attend private or state-owned schools at the primary, secondary, or tertiary levels. Early childhood as well as trusted day care facilities are readily available throughout the island.

Documents to be presented are:
  • Birth certificate of both parents
  • Birth certificate of Child/Children
  • If guardian, permission from both parents, notarised by a Justice of Peace, or any legal entity
  • Report from the last school attended by the student to determine performance level for placement
  • Residency or work permit or any other document of parents or guardians of the child

The following contributions are charged for attending public and private assisted schools:
Range of Fees for Early Childhood Education:
  • Rural - $50/month
  • Urban - $150/month

Range of Fees for Primary School Education:
Contributions vary from school to school. However, no fees are charged in public schools, but contributions are solicited.

Range of Fees for Secondary School Education:
Contributions towards various activities are required and ranges from $150-$400 per school year.

Range of Fees for Tertiary School Education:
Non-nationals are required to pay a fee of EC$1680 per semester.

Range of Fees for Private Assisted/Private Schools:

  • Private Assisted: $600-$1,000 per year
  • Private: $600-$1,000 per semester

Students are required to comply with a uniform dress code for most schools.


English is the main language and French Creole is spoken by most.


There are a variety of religious beliefs and practices throughout the island. There are places of worship for many religions.